Worldwide Repatriation Services 2022-06-02T07:17:47+00:00

Worldwide Repatriation


One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.

Antonio Porchia

International Repatriation Services

Repatriation is the process of returning the deceased back to their country of origin. At Mercy we can assist with all of the necessary steps involved in processing the repatriation of a loved one to and from almost any country. Repatriation is the act of restoring a person to his or her native land. In this context repatriation is taking home the body or human remains of someone who has died or been buried in a foreign land; a land that is not of his birth or that of his ancestors. There may be a personal desire to be buried in the native country that person was born in. Alternatively, the family may feel that the person’s soul may not be at peace if the body was buried anywhere but their homeland.
You should state your desires to be repatriated in your will. It may be your wish to be buried in the land of your birth, perhaps a family grave or a church cemetery where members of the family or clan have always been buried. It is always wise to discuss your wishes with family and close friends so that they are prepared to see to your final wishes.
Mercy Assistance Funeral Home offers a complete worldwide repatriation service. From the removal of the deceased, the embalming, the provision of a suitable casket for air transport, the legal documentation for foreign shipment and the documents, and the air transportation to the deceased’s country of origin.

Repatriation to the Egypt

The death of a loved one overseas can be made all the more stressful by the complications involved in the arrangement of their return home. We can help by dealing with all relevant authorities and acquiring any permits and travel documents required to bring them home. Some of the services we provide for repatriation to the Egypt are:

  • Preparation of the deceased in accordance with local requirements
  • Arrangement of burial or cremation and memorial in the country where death occured
  • Organisation of all permits, documentation and flights
  • Provision of a coffin suitable for the transportation of the deceased
  • Organising the return of all luggage and personal effects

  • Arrangement of the funeral service at the final destination
  • Co-ordination with all relevant parties & government departments

Repatriation from the Egypt

If you require the repatriation of a loved one from the Egypt we can help. Our experienced repatriation specialists will act immediately in order to ensure a fast and efficient transportation of the deceased to their home country. Our repatriation experts will help you with:

  • Transporation to one of our premises from any location nationwide

  • Preparation of the deceased for the journey to their country of origin

  • Organisation of all permits, documentation and flights
  • Viewing in our chapel of rest

  • Supply of a coffin suitable for transportation

  • Liason with all relevant parties

  • Foreign Office and Consular visits in close proximity to our premises

  • Arrangement of flight for deceased, transfer to the airport and clearances

  • Provision of Floral Tributes

  • Obituary notices

Additional information

Your repatriation assistance could include:

  • Visa Cancellation Services
  • Lease Cancellation
  • Security Deposit Recovery
  • Utility Service Cancellation and Disconnection
  • Cable TV and Internet Cancellation
  • Sale and Disposal of Unwanted Items
  • Handyman Services
  • Home Cleaning
  • Moving Services
  • Temporary Housing
  • Mail Forwarding

Please contact us at +20100-031-2220 with any questions.

Contact Us

Contact us at any time to discuss our services or to arrange a time to meet with one of our funeral service professionals.